Rabu, 22 Jun 2011


Its been almost 3 month since the day I was in horribly madness.The girl that I wish I can give everything went to an turn over,KILLING me ASS.Jujur aku cakapkan,persepsi aku terhadap wanita meleis berubah,sorry to say coz it seems unfair to other melei gurlls.Im now riding solo,searching for my hapiness.I wish I can find my very own so-called wanita.She could be the sederhana one,understand my way of life and the most important,she can accept me the way I am.Fuck you to those who searching love for the sake of wealth and lusty living.I repeat FUCK YOU!.

And to you who broke my sincereness,I hope you'll find your great epic love.Coz I dont think it'll come easily as you think.Yes I admit it,my words may seems like Ima looser.But hell who cares? G la MAM.Im on my way in becoming my true part of being a rockstar.haha.damn.

After all I've done,and you repay it with this,I think its time for me to stop believing on fairytales.The memories itself will fade within time,and all the pain should vanish too.I wish,*sigh*
Thanks for promising,and then promptly forgetting..Thanks for everything,Thanks for nothing.
Karma will hunt you.Tee hee

Sabtu, 4 Jun 2011

rejected, pre-rejected,pre-order value of life

well I think everybody deserve a life and second chances.I belive in faith.But sometimes faith lies.Theres nobody you can trust.People are fake.I mean they're being fake.They pretend,they acting like they are the most trustable.They kill you on the otherside.I hate to say this.But do wake up Meleis.especially those short-mind-temper-butthurt kind.Im not kinda a good enough to say those condemn phrases.But oh god..Lotsa butthurt people everywhere..Ntah pepasal tah.BORING DUDE!
U r actually hiding on your cool-acting mask la wehh.Siapa kau nak condeming others with no point? haha dumb people! typical dumb.

Isnin, 30 Mei 2011


Haha..everybody changing..yeah dats absolutely true my dear

and I hope u'll deserve what u've done.


I hate you..... BITCH !

Khamis, 26 Mei 2011

ENTAH laa...apo nk jadi ngan ekau,den pun x tahu la

Assalamualaikum..dan selamat pagi ( kat sini dah subuh dah pun.kah3)

aku terpikir nk tulis ttg sesuatu yg membuatkan aku berfikir sejenak.manusia memang x kenal apa erti kepuasan ..xkesahlah sebab itu adanya perkataan hawa nafsu.nafsu manusia memang bergelojak naik dengan mudahnya pabila dibius dengan api bisikan teman2 dari neraka.Ya aku bilang ianya teman kerana adat manusia senang sekali terpedaya bisikan seksi tersebut.PEEPS DONT DENY OKAY!!.manusia susah untuk menghargai sesuatu..dan hanya akan mengenangnya pabila 'sst'tersebut sudahpun tiada.haa kan dah gila talak..nak balik apa yg kau sudah hamburkan suati ketika dahulu..
disini aku ada sst yg ingin aku kongsikan bersama.aku tertarik pada lirik sang penulis kelahiran barat itu.sila dengar ya

'who do you think you are? collecting a jar of hearts'..okay those phrases killing me.not because im killed or im killing comeone.but those touches me.SHITNESS!!!
yesterday i had pawned lotsa peeps on FB.ya peeps do angry when they're butthurted.wakaka.thats nature.but do chill dude ass.dont be such immoral to put such stinky words on my face.owh dats so childish.words do reflects you guys.so be aware.I dont mind using such words..as long as i didnt mean it to others.hehe ..so practically im using it as  a sensation on my art (FB's stats etc)


Khamis, 19 Mei 2011

500 days of summer

Assalamualaikum peeps
I've just watched 2009's (500)days of summer.It was totally such an adorable film.SERIOUSLY.
hmm..There r some resemblance of my story in this movie.I wonder,why girls would tend to leave the one she knows,spent time and in love with,with such easy and unexpected reasons nor cause?..well that minds me.haha
In that film Tom's life was great when he met Summer.She enlighten him and bring the whole new meaning of life and love.Time passes and their love faded..I was amazed by Tom's spirit to get her back.But, unfortunately Summer married sumone without telling the heart-broken Tom.Seriously that part was the saddest part,and I almost cried.WTF!!.(well thats Fantastic!)
the resemblance between my story and that story:


Naahh..forget it..I guess it is no use..Just let those, be a fantasizing memories, so that I'll remember her on my prayers and my dreams..

Moral of the story,I wish I  can be like Tom..Eventhough he had faced hard times,he can still pretending to be fine and get up back..I really hope I can also find my very own Autumn...
InsyaAllah...Love is such a great creation isnt it? Have faith peeps :)

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011


aku terfikir utk tutup akaun blog ni.sbb dah xda halatuju lagi dah....im messed up.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Hujan Akita

Harini hati aku hancur,setelah aku mendengar berita..sakit nya aku bilang tak siapa ngerti..sudah lama aku menahan semua ini..Aku beri sepenuh hati aku, bukan untuk kau sakiti..Bukan untuk kau zalimi..Cita aku capai untuk mengejar cinta.Namun Cintaku hanya layak aku humban ke longkang sahaja,Cinta suci aku kau salah tafsirkan..'aku lah lelaki lemah yang menangis di lorongan malam'
Ya ! akulah lelaki itu ! 'ya kata kau...Aku LEMAH..andai baris baris pedih yang engkau telah ungkapkan itu dapat aku sahihkan, ternyata engkau silap.Aku lalui ini sendirian..Yang ada hanya penguat dari teman teman..Engkau ucapkan kata yang engkau sendiri tak mampu kotakan..Aku terima .Sebab aku memberi sepenuhnya.Sampai hati kau buat aku begini setelah aku beri semua .Moga berbahagialah engkau dengan pilihan hati selamanya..Aku doakan

Selasa, 19 April 2011


Salam sejahtera dan コンニチハ!
harini hujan rahmat di bumi Akita.Dan inilah kali pertama aku meredah hujan bertemankan payung lutsinar ala ala drama jepun ke kelas.HAHA.Sejuknya ak xdapat nk cakaplahh.Tp best.hehe
Sesampai je aku di kelas suugaku,aku melabuhkan punggung di belakang Ando san n Youta san.Diorang sume org Akita.ahaha nais2 membe2 nihonjin aku org Akita wehh.Senang lahh aku nnt nk ke mana2 tanye jelah bebudak ni.Btw ada sorg lagi membe nihonjin aku.Namanya Ito.Dia duduk sebelah aku time kelas Chikyuu System.Dia ni aku ingat pemalu gila.Tapi orait gak ahh.Bebual ngan die.HAHA.

Harini rumah aku hampir lengkap lahh..Gas,Air n Oyuu dah sampai.hehe yatto boleh buang air kat umah sndiri.tee hee.(jijik gila aku)HAHA.Semalam aku usha gitar letrik kat rakuten (website auction japanese) n aku jumpa set gitar skali ngan Amp dalam 2 mang.GILA MURAHHH.aku apa lagi guna account sempai order.hehe akhirnya aku akan dapat kanojo gak yg sudi menemani aku dalam seluung kesejukan kat sini.Aku nk bg nama dia Kuroki Chang lahh.<3<3<3

HAHA gila gak laa.Xpe ak still jimat apa.Aku aritu jumpa Nikon DSLR D90 dalam 7 mang.Tp pikir2 balik baik aku angkat gitar.HAHA.Sebab aku dah lama nk menjalani liku hidup sbgai rockstar!jyeahhh.Tunggulah langit Akita akan aku dentumkan!!haha.Kehidupan baru aku agak best.Aku suka Akita! hontouni!..Akita x lerr kampung gila.MAJI DA!! UsoNASHI!!

Hepi mcmne pun aku jauh di lubuk hati aku aku samishii..Tiada khabar berita dari dia.hmm..Yg meneman hanya lagu2 puistis Seven Collar T-Shirt yg acap kali aku mainkan .huhu.Apalah nasib badann.Cinta ditolak. :(

Hobi baru aku skang memasak.hehe seriusly cooking is fun! maji da.Kat sini aku slalu gak aa masak.
N part yg paling best skali bila org bg positif comment kat masakan kita.tee hee.Sankyuu minna!
Thanks juga pada Nestle dengan ciptaan inovatif 'Cukup RASA'.HAHA
K lahh cukup kut utk harini..SAMUIIIIII~