Khamis, 17 September 2009

ja matta ne..on my way to japan!

yup its me again ,d one and only fawwaz budak baik
haha..well dis tyme my post doesnt relate to my daily life as an aaj's student.this tyme im goin to write about my remaining moments at malaysia.hehe btw,tomorrow,my family and i are about to visit the country that r very well known as the 'negara matahari terbit' or d rising sun country.hehe..

da cukup.. da lama rasanya x type in english..yela kat aaj ni blaja je english ,tp xde pon writing..dats y la my english very 'terabur ' la.huhu..xpe la nk wat cmane..nnt ak masterkan nihonggo ak,lg kool.haha..mcm kimutaku : )

so maybe during dis upcoming eid ,i'll nt be able to write new posts ,so i guess its tyme 4 me to wish everyone of you 

'selamat hari raya' maaf zahir dan batin.

especially to all aaj clans.u guys rock!!haha

n dun forget,pray 4 my safe journey eh...
insyaAllah, i'll be back ok!

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